Universal tips for promoting your campaign

This article will provide you with universal tips about promoting your campaign. The use of a promotional strategies will help you target your audience more specifically. Creating a promotional / marketing strategy depends on your targeted audience and how you want to address them. The tips can be used when applicable and/or useful for the targeted audience.


Before we start you have to ask yourself how well does my audience know me…


Campaign targeting a specific audience


Have you tried email marketing? No. Then this is something you should absolutely consider. In order to build an interpersonal relationship with your customers, you must create engagement with the customers that you want to retarget. Avoid selling without re-using the important information to retarget the costumers after they purchase an item from a niche that you will re-use in the future.



Creating a Facebook page


The second tip for promoting your campaign is using a Facebook page. Facebook offers you a great platform where many potential customers or exciting customer are reachable. Also Facebook can be a platform where you can retarget your previous customers or people that have showed their interest by visiting your page. Do you want to set up a Facebook page for a specific campaign? In the following article you can find how to do that: http://university.teezily.com/hoe-creeer-je-een-facebook-pagina/