How to Promote Your « Image Post » on Facebook and Start Your Sale?

Once you have posted your “engaging image post” to your page, you need to create an “Ads Manager” on your Facebook account if you have not already done so and add your credit card so that you can pay the marketing expenses that your campaigns will make occur the promotion:

You now have 4 tabs on this page in order to carry out your advertising campaign:

  • Text and links
  • Audience
  • Campaign and ad set
  • Bidding and pricing

a. Text and Links


Firstly, concerning the “ad preview” it is necessary to click on “remove” to remove publication from the right hand column that only benefit from a small amount of visibility on Facebook (see below):

Then click on « Show advanced options » so that you can choose the pixel and an « URL tag ». This will allow you to follow the adverts that work best depending on the interests that you are targeting in a single niche in the Statistics sections on Teezily. In this case, to find any related to « rottweiler » we would write “?var=introttweiler”.

You can follow the conversion of your adverts in the « Get Variables » area in the Statistics tab

The « URL tag » that you specify must take the form key=var, ie this might say interest=rottweiler as shown in the screenshot below. Make sure that the interest that you register here corresponds to the interest that you put in « Audience » just below.

You could have also chosen “?var=newsfeeddesktop” to get your traffic statistics for this advert on desktops, work computers and more “?var=21-34” to get the conversion for the targets who are between 21-34 year olds.

We will then provide click rates, conversions and number of T-shirts purchased from this advertising.


b. Audience


In this section, you must choose the target demographic for the advert.

Even if you have written your ad in English to be understood, as many of your customers may reside in different countries, we invite you to target the countries one by one so as not to “break” your conversion.

Concerning the age of your audience, target people who are likely to have a credit card to pay online and / or can afford it. We find that our sales mainly target Facebook users who are over 21 years old.

Then register the interests you have identified in « Audience Insights » and those from the research you have done on the niche you are targeting.

The field « Behaviours » is not essential as you risk limiting the audience of your target with something that isn’t always informed about on Facebook.

You should go back and forth between your advertising and your analysis in « Audience Insights » to better target you buyers. How old are the buyers of your T-shirts? What paces do they like on Facebook? Etc…

c. Campaign and ad set


Here, you can start your campaign on a daily budget of 20€. This budget should allow you to collect the maximum amount of information about your target audience to get the best results of your campaign.

Your campaign must indicate what type of advertising you have selected. In the example below, newsfeed advertising and EPP have been chosen.

Also, be sure to correctly name your « ad set » which must indicate the niche you are targeting and specify their age.

The budget you get is allocated by Facebook based on the level of the « ad set » and not according to the « ad ».


d. Bidding and pricing

Regarding the « bidding », choose the “Optimize for Page Post Engagement” which will ensure that your budget will not be spent too quickly and then click « Place order ».

e. Creating a Similar Ad

When you place your ad, we encourage you to do the same type of advertising only changing the « URL tag » to know which advert performed the best with the different interests that you identified previously.


3. f. Specify the Name of Your Ad


Once your ad is ready, you will need to rename it to get a quick overview of its effectiveness for the different interests you are targeting.

Below is how to rename an advertisement.

By indicating the interest you are targeting, it allows you to quickly find out what interests convert better comapred to other advertising and other interests!