How to Detect a Buzz in Niche Markets: Google Trends and Twitter Trends

Below you will find a non-exhaustive list of sites to check and find buzz for your niche markets:

Creating T-shirts about topical subjects and events have several advantages:

  • They will promote the virality of your advertising: your publication will be shared more often by Facebook users who will come across your ad.
  • You will have a lot less competition with this type of advertising with your niche market enthusiasts.
  • There is almost no chance that the user already has the product you are offering, as it will solely depend on how highly topical the subject is and how long ago it happened.

a. Google Trends

 Current topics and news are an inexhaustible source for Teezily campaigns. You can get many ideas for your designs just by looking at the news items from the country you are targeting via Google Trends.

You can also check Google images for existing T-shirts to inspire you.

b. Twitter Trends

Twitter can also be used as a source to identify events or news that could inspire for you! To do this, simply log into Twitter and watch the “Trends”.