Differences in buying decisions from different genders. Men VS Women

Women take their time when shopping online, men don’t.



When targeting women it is important to pay attention to details. This is because women take their time when shopping and are interested in little details. It is important to tell as much as you can about your product, in an attractive and specific way. You can highlight the size guide, talk about the materials, the payment methods and even your after sales service. The more information the better! But when it comes down to men, less is better. Be concrete in the information you give them. When men are looking for a product, they are on a mission to find that product and nothing more. Of course, you can highlight your unique selling points, but you don’t have to be as specific as with women.

Men want to buy items for themselves, women are more open to buying items for others.


When men are looking for a T-shirt online they are just looking for their T-shirt, so it is harder to convince them to buy another T-shirt for a loved one. Women however are more open to suggestions like this. They are more willing to also buy a shirt for their loved one. When targeting women it is a good idea to promote other campaigns of yours that are focused on relatives or friends or think of upsell. You can do that by providing a nice text, information and URL(‘s) in the description of your campaign to boost the sales of other campaigns as well or to give extra information via e-mail.

Men shop alone, women shop together.


Men don’t like to shop online with others or to share their findings with friends, however women do. When targeting women it is important to know that they are more likely to suggest a product of your campaign to friends. A useful tip could be to offer a discount when ordering 2 or more items. This is mostly effective when targeting women.

Women tend to be more approachable to marketing e-mails, paid advertising is better with men.


Whenever you have set up a campaign where you target women, it is important to send marketing e-mails to them. Women appreciate good after sales service as they will feel appreciated and tend to buy more from the same seller. Men don’t care that much about after sales service or any other extra’s, they are mostly interested in the product itself. Therefore it is better to approach men with paid advertisements so that whenever they are looking for a similar product that you offer, they will come across it.

Facebook is the best social media tool, for both genders.


The best tool to advertise your campaign on is Facebook. Out of all social media websites Facebook is the most effective and you will be able to reach a bigger audience in a relatively fast way.


Men are loyal to a brand and women are loyal to good service.


Whenever you target men, they are mostly interested in the product itself. When they like the product or had a good experience with a certain seller, they tend to buy more from the same seller.  But when you target women, it is important that you also take good care of your service to them.


Teezily’s great customer and seller support, fast and informative responses to e-mails, not using generated answers, competitive pricing, great quality products and printing and relatively fast delivery times are some key factors that can make your campaign a great success with both men and women.